Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee Inc - SRILC
East Gippsland and Southern NSW
The Mila Landcare Group was formed in 1994 and became incorporated in 1995. The Landcare Group is situated within the Bombala Council area and covers an area of approximately 28 176ha hectares. Its neighbouring Landcare Groups include Little Plains to the West, Craigie to the South West and Mt Piper to the North West. The township of Bombala is situated to the North East.
Tributaries include:
Jackson’s Bog/Mila Bog
Saucy Creek
Dundundra Creek
Rock Flat Creek
Warburton Creek
Land use in the area is diverse and includes:
Merino sheep
Prime Lambs
Beef Cattle
Cropping – Winter cereals and fodder
Farm Forestry
Private forest (hardwood and softwood)
State forests
The Mila Landcare Group has achieved numerous environmental and sustainable agricultural projects over the past 20 years, since establishing:
The group’s first project was to establish a Rabbit Eradication Control Program which initially started in the early 1960’s. More recently, (1998 -2008) the project received funding to employ one person part time and the provision of chemical to control rabbit populations.
Weed Control has always been a priority for the Mila Landcare Group with works carried out to deal with Chilean Needle Grass and Serrated Tussock. The Chilean Needle Grass was an isolated incursion and was dealt with efficiently over a season while control of Serrated Tussock is ongoing and requires continued vigilance. In 2009, the group was part of a regional serrated tussock project that involved mapping and spraying.
Group members have participated in the local, coordinated fox baiting program each year, run through the Local Health and Pest Authority (LHPA).
Riparian/waterway projects were another focus for the group with works occurring on the Dundundra Creek, Saucy Creek, Spring Flat Creek, Mila Bog and Duguids Bog and included:
Fencing out to manage stock access and improve bank stabilisation
Establishment of rock flumes, diversion banks and sediment basins
Establishment of off stream water infrastructure
Establishment of rock structures to slow down water flows
The group has dealt with soil health in terms of productivity, asset protection and water quality by carrying out works to stabilise soils using the following methods:
Fence out for stock management
Increase vegetation through tree planting and natural regeneration of grasses
Diversion banks and sediment basins to divert water from erosive areas