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Resources and Links
Agricultural Organisations
Agriculture Victoria
AGDATA Pheonix Farm Management
Meat and Livestock Australia
NSW Farmers
Cattle Council of Australia
Farm Business Skills - Training Subsidies
Farming Together - Co-ops
eSPADE (NSW Soil Maps)
Soils for Life
Climate / Grassland Tools
The Long Paddock - grasses
Climate Change in Australia
Weeds and Pests
Why have Fire Ants not been eradicated in Australia?
Weeds of National Significance (WONS)
Atlas of Living Australia
Modelling Future Weeds
Victoria Serrated Tussock Working Party
Other Landcare Resources
National Landcare Program
National Landcare Network
Landcare N.S.W.
Landcare Victoria
Surrounding Landcare Networks
East Gippsland Landcare Network
Far South Coast Landcare
Upper Snowy Landcare
Rural Support Services
Support for Dementia @ Alzheimer's Australia

Beyondblue (anxiety and depression support)

Rural Resiliance Program
NSW Rural Assistance Authority
Volunteer Fire Fighters Association - VFFA
New South Wales
Bombala Council
Bega Valley Shire Council
NSW Local Land Services South East
NSW DPI – Weed Definitions and FAQs
NSW Environment and Heritage

East Gippsland Shire Council
Agriculture Victoria
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority

Bendoc Gold Mining

Bendoc is small village situated on the Northern edge of the Victorian High Country. It is known for its historical gold mining era when over 1000 people inhabited the alluvial and reef mining operatons.  Over the last century, natural resource production has continued as an important part of the rural economy. Sustainable native forest production, sawmilling, and valuable mixed grazing farms characterise the ventures that occur in the Bendoc area.


The attached link provides a good summary of the development of Bendoc from the 1850's, including recognition of the role played by mining, forestry, and farming in the heritage of this picturest area. 


History of Bendoc

Delegate is a village that forms a hub for the farming community in the Eastern border country of NSW and Victoria. Like many rural places, the community has seen progressive change and loss of services as Governments continue to centralise people and services.  At a time when country Australia provides the solution to many of the challenges that overcrowded cities experience, Delegate remains an important zone for agriculture, forestry and recreational activities.


Delegate is the gateway to vast areas of public land where 4WD touring, camping, fishing, hunting, horse riding, mountain biking and bush appreciation provide valuable and lasting experiences for visitors.


Please take the time to explore the following website and we look forward to you visiting Delegate sometime.   

Cathcart Links coming


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Wildlife Apps.
Frog ID Apps






Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee Inc.

Supporting our local communities

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